Water Projects

In rural Tanzania, access to clean and safe water remains a critical challenge, particularly for women and children who often trek long distances in search of this basic necessity. This daily struggle not only consumes valuable time but also limits opportunities for education, economic advancement, and personal development. Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania (BMMT) is committed to changing this narrative.

At BMMT, we are actively involved in initiatives to improve access to clean water across rural Tanzania. Through strategic partnerships and sustainable projects, we install water systems that provide reliable access to communities in need. By ensuring easier access to water, we empower women and children to redirect their efforts towards education, entrepreneurship, and personal growth. This holistic approach not only enhances quality of life but also strengthens community resilience and fosters long-term prosperity.

Join us in this transformative journey. Your support is crucial in enabling us to expand our impact and reach more communities with life-changing water solutions. Together, we can break barriers and create a future where every Tanzanian has access to clean water—a future where health, education, and economic opportunities thrive. Act now and partner with us to make a lasting difference.


    Ramadhan Relief

    Eid ul Adha Qurbani

    Orphan Support

    Muharram & Safar