The Bilal Muslim Mission of Tanzania (BMMT) participated in the Mafunzo ya Imam Hussein (a) Exhibition held at Mnazi mmoja Grounds, Dar es Salaam, from August 8 to 10, 2024. This annual event, organized by the Khoja Shia Ithna-Asheri Jamaat of Dar es Salaam (KSIJ Dar) and partners, is dedicated to honoring the legacy of Imam Hussein (a), the grandson of Prophet Muhammad (s), who was martyred in Karbala on 10 Muharram 61 A.H.

L to R: Mohamedraza Dewji – Chairman KSIJ Dar; Hon. Mussa Azan Zungu – Deputy Speaker, Parliament of the United Republic of Tanzania and Member of Parliament – Ilala constituent at BMMT booth. | Photo by Rajabu Ngwame

The exhibition served as a platform for various Shia Ithna-Asheri affiliated organizations to collectively raise awareness about the tragedy of Karbala and to highlight their respective contributions in areas of Tabligh, Education, and Social-Economic development. The event also featured a free health and eye camp, which was a valuable service to the community.

BMMT Booth Activities and Additional Contributions

At the exhibition, BMMT focused on showcasing and distributing a range of educational and religious publications. The materials we presented included:

  • Religious Books: Covering topics related to Aqidah (Islamic creed), Fiqh (jurisprudence), Sira (biography of the Prophet), and Dua (supplications).
  • Hijra Calendars: To assist the community in tracking important Islamic dates.

These resources were provided, aiming to enhance the attendees’ understanding of Islamic teachings and support their religious practices.

BMMT booth was graced by the visit of Haj Aunali Khlafan – AFED Vice chairman; Haj Anwar Dharamsi – Trustee and AFED past chairman; Sayyed Adeel Raza – Resident A’lim KSIJ Dar.

In addition to our booth activities, BMMT directly assisted KSIJ Dar by delivering presentations and discussions focused on educating attendees about the life and legacy of Imam Hussein (a) and the historical events of the Karbala tragedy. This direct involvement was crucial in furthering the understanding of these significant Islamic events.

Bilal comprehensive School Booth

Bilal Comprehensive School also participated in the exhibition with its own booth. This provided an opportunity to promote the school, located at Tandika, near Bandari College, Dar es Salaam. The school offers education from early childhood to primary levels and integrates religious education into its curriculum. The exhibition allowed the school to showcase its programs and engage with the community.

Our participation in the exhibition was well-received by the attendees. The distribution of our publications allowed us to engage with the community directly and address their inquiries about our activities and services. The feedback from visitors was positive, and many expressed appreciations for the availability of educational resources.

The Mafunzo ya Imam Hussein (a) Exhibition provided an excellent opportunity for BMMT to promote our mission and engage with the broader community. We are grateful to KSIJ Dar for organizing this significant event and look forward to participating in future exhibitions to continue our efforts in Tabligh and community service.

We extend our heartfelt thanks to the volunteers who dedicated their time and effort to make our participation successful. Their commitment was crucial in effectively showcasing our work and interacting with the community.

Download: English Vesrion

Pakua: Kwa Kiswahili

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